Quote Request

Fill out the form to request a custom quote tailored to your specific needs and a member of our team will be in touch within 24 business hours (or less).

Our standard operating hours are:
7:00 AM - 4:30 PM EST Monday - Friday.
We observe most national holidays.

For general inquiries or questions, contact our team:

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We sure can! We will need pictures and measurements of the existing fitting and any notes regarding the fitting gasket or thread tape. Email all details to: sales@volunteerindustrial.com

  • We accept all major credit cards. For repeat purchases or when required, we can establish a credit account (this may take up to 5 business days).

  • Each item on our website is listed at a competitive price. We can occasionally give additional discounts for large quantities and higher dollar amount carts.

  • Yes! We have a tax exemption form here. Please fill out all fields and submit the required forms. We will verify all information and then notify you of approval status.

  • Since we represent a variety of manufacturers, we cannot offer a broad country of origin for all products. We can offer a country of origin certificate when required for each order. If this is needed, please notify us when placing your order.

Looking for a specific part?

Check out our online store for immediately available products.